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Writer's pictureLuthando Daniels


Exploring the Depths:

Faith is the cornerstone of our spiritual journey, a profound and essential element in the life of every believer. It's not just a belief in the unseen, but a dynamic force that influences how we live, interact, and perceive the world around us. In this blog, we will delve into the multifaceted attributes of faith, shedding light on its power and purpose in our lives.

1. Unwavering Trust

The first and perhaps most fundamental attribute of faith is trust—unwavering trust in God. This trust is not blind; it is built on the character and promises of God as revealed in the scriptures. When we trust, we believe that God is sovereign, His plans are for our good, and He will fulfil His promises, no matter the circumstances.

2. Steadfast Hope

Faith is inherently tied to hope. It is a confident expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. Through faith, we hold onto hope in the midst of trials, believing that there is a divine purpose in our sufferings and that better days are ahead. This hope is not based on the transient things of this world but on the eternal and unchanging nature of God.

3. Active Obedience

True faith is not passive; it compels us to act. It's an obedient response to the teachings of Christ and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. James 2:26 reminds us that "faith without works is dead." Our deeds, therefore, are a reflection of our faith in action. Through acts of kindness, service to others, and living out the principles of the Gospel, we demonstrate the authenticity of our faith.

4. Relentless Courage

Faith emboldens us with courage. It gives us the strength to face challenges, overcome fear, and stand firm against adversity. With faith, the early Christians faced persecution, and today, it empowers us to stand up for truth and justice, even when it's not popular or safe to do so.

5. Profound Peace

In a world filled with turmoil, faith provides peace. This peace comes from knowing God is in control and that our lives are in His hands. Philippians 4:7 speaks of "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding," guarding our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Faith allows us to rest in this assurance, amidst the storms of life.

6. Enduring Patience

Patience is a virtue developed from the trials that faith undergoes. It is the ability to wait on the Lord's timing without frustration or despair. Faith teaches us to be patient, trusting that God’s timing is perfect, even when it diverges greatly from our own plans or desires.


Faith is more than just belief—it is the very lifeblood of a Christian’s existence. It shapes how we view the world, respond to challenges, and interact with those around us. These attributes of faith—trust, hope, obedience, courage, peace, and patience—are not just ideals to aspire to; they are practical realities that can guide us in our daily lives, providing a framework for spiritual growth and deeper communion with God.

As we continue to cultivate these attributes, let us encourage one another in our walk of faith, always pressing on towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let faith transform you, from the inside out.

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