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Charter of the House Daniels

House of Daniels FAQ


1. What is the House of Daniels?

House of Daniels is a global ministry dedicated to raising Kings and Priests who will reign on earth, instilling God's Kingdom principles in nations and communities.


2. What are the core beliefs of House of Daniels?

- Triune God: Belief in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

- Creation: God as the Creator of all visible and invisible things.

- Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, became a true man for our salvation, took on our sins, was crucified, resurrected,          and ascended to Heaven.

- Salvation: Jesus Christ is the only way to God.

- Scripture: The Bible is the authoritative Word of God.


3. What is the vision of House of Daniels?

To raise Kings and Priests to reign on earth, empowering individuals to fulfill their divine destinies and impact every sphere of society with Godly principles.


4. What is the mission of House of Daniels?

To nurture, train, and send out individuals to carry out their divine missions, transforming them into influential leaders who bring about spiritual and social transformation in their communities and beyond.


5. How is House of Daniels structured?

- Apostolic Leadership: Led by an Apostle with spiritual authority.

- Pastors and Elders: Support the Apostle in spiritual and administrative duties.

- Local Churches: Each local church is led by a pastor.

- Missionary Centers: Strategic hubs for managing missionary work and church operations.

- Educational Institutions: Provide primary, regional, and specialized training programs.


6. What are the membership requirements?

Membership is open to all who profess faith in Jesus Christ and agree with the beliefs and vision of House of Daniels. Members are expected to participate in church activities and contribute to its mission.


7. What is spiritual cover?

    Spiritual cover involves a relationship with the Apostle through three levels:

- Friendly.

- Collaborators (teacher-disciple).

- Father-son relationship.


8. What does ministry mean to House of Daniels?

Ministry is a lifestyle; all activities are acts of service to God, conducted anytime and anywhere.


9. What is the educational basis of House of Daniels?

- Church Programs : Offered in local churches.

- Bible Schools: Online Bible schools .

- Pastors’ Training School: Specialised training for pastors and leaders.


10. How does House of Daniels view business and politics?

While the church is separate from politics and business, it cares for the souls of politicians and businessmen, preparing them to act righteously according to God's commandments.


11. What are the guidelines for ministry in House of Daniels?

- Freedom in the Holy Spirit: Everyone is free as an individual.

- Authority of the Word of God: Upholding the Bible as authoritative.

-Unity in Diversity: Different ministries but one Spirit, maintaining uniqueness.

- Raising Others First: Promoting others before oneself.


12. What is the accountability structure in House of Daniels?

    Accountability includes:

- Reporting on statistics, testimonies, and new ministries.

- Addressing problems and difficulties needing prayer.

- Managing ministry and family issues.


13. What are the current goals of House of Daniels?

To establish at least one more church for each existing church, ensuring a representative of House of Daniels is present in every area center. Additionally, to raise leaders who will impact their communities with spiritual and social transformation.


14. What are the regular activities of House of Daniels?

- Regular Services: Worship services, prayer meetings, and Bible study sessions.

- Conferences and Events: Annual conferences, fasting events, and other gatherings for fellowship and spiritual growth.


15. How can I get involved with House of Daniels?

You can get involved by attending our services, participating in our programs, and contributing to our mission through volunteering and supporting our initiatives. For more information, visit our website at [](


16. How does House of Daniels handle educational training?

House of Daniels offers a comprehensive educational program that includes primary education in local churches, regional Bible schools, and specialized training for pastors and leaders.


17. How does House of Daniels interact with other denominations and authorities?

We focus on building relationships rather than structures, fostering external relationships with other denominations, churches, and authorities.


18. What resources are available for new believers in House of Daniels?

New believers have access to a range of resources, including Bible study materials, mentorship programs, and discipleship training to help them grow in their faith and fulfill their divine calling.


19. What is the role of the Missionary Center?

The Missionary Center serves as the strategic management hub for overseeing church operations and executing the missionary vision of House of Daniels.


20. How does House of Daniels contribute to community development?

   House of Daniels engages in various social projects and initiatives aimed at transforming communities through education, social activism,          and outreach programs.


For further inquiries or detailed information, please contact us through our website or visit one of our local churches.

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